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UN System Standing Committee on Nutrition settled in the FAO premises in Rome

Since 1 January 2016, the UN System Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) has officially settled in the FAO premises in Rome, where it all started almost 40 years ago. As you know, FAO hosted the secretariat from 1977, the year of UNSCN’s establishment, to 1988; WHO Geneva took over the hosting of the secretariat from 1988 until December 2015. The new secretariat, also on behalf of all UNSCN members, thanks the former secretariat in WHO for the tremendous work it has done over the past 30 years.

On 14 January, the first face-to-face meeting of UNSCN Members supported by the new secretariat took place at FAO headquarters in Rome. The UNSCN members came together to deliberate on a draft strategic plan (2016-2020) and a new focus for UNSCN in light of the recent developments in the global nutrition architecture.

FAO Headquarters in Rome

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