
UNSCN Knowledge Management survey results

At the beginning of November, the UNSCN Secretariat launched a short survey to collect feedback on a set of publications from the last five years and gain insight into how they have served the needs of the nutrition community. The results of the survey will also be used to sharpen knowledge management while transitioning into UN Nutrition.

This survey aimed at collecting feedback on a set of publications from the last five years and gain insight to into how they have served the needs of the nutrition community. A semi-structured online survey was distributed from November 2-25th 2020 through the UNSCN website and global networks. The respondents spanned 46 countries across six continents. The majority of replies came from the Academia/Research sector (40%), followed by Non-Governmental Organizations (20%) and Government sector (14%).

A large majority of readers (92%) found the publication fairly to very useful, and 77% of readers indicated the publications changed their views on the subject a fair amount to a lot. Readers reported the publications had mostly strengthened their knowledge on a certain topic and provided relevant references and they used the publications primarily to inform advocacy efforts and to identify research topics, reflecting the sectors of work of the respondents.

Looking forward, respondents indicated a wish for greater interaction and feedback loops, so UN nutrition secretariat may very well continue to organize webinars or events based on recent publications (see the UNSCN series about Nutrition in a Digital World). They also identified critical emerging issues such as nourishing the post COVID-19 world and the urgent need to transform food systems to protect health and climate. These insights will help inform UN Nutrition’s knowledge management work to achieve maximal reach and impact, as well as inform the transformational nutrition agenda in 2021.


A full set of graphics is available here


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